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Resumen de Dual Hodge decompositions and derived Poisson brackets

Yuri Berest, Ajay Ramadoss, Yining Zhang

  • We study general properties of Hodge-type decompositions of cyclic and Hochschild homology of universal enveloping algebras of (DG) Lie algebras. Our construction generalizes the operadic construction of cyclic homology of Lie algebras due to Getzler and Kapranov. We give a topological interpretation of such Lie Hodge decompositions in terms of S1-equivariant homology of the free loop space of a simply connected topological space. We prove that the canonical derived Poisson structure on a universal enveloping algebra arising from a cyclic pairing on the Koszul dual coalgebra preserves the Hodge filtration on cyclic homology. As an application, we show that the Chas–Sullivan Lie algebra of any simply connected closed manifold carries a natural Hodge filtration. We conjecture that the Chas–Sullivan Lie algebra is actually graded, i.e. the string topology bracket preserves the Hodge decomposition.

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