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Resumen de Linguistic and Cultural Adaptation of Mongolian Ecological Immigrants in the Border City

Zhao Jianhong

  • This is a case study in Erenhot City, InnerMongolia Autonomous Region on Mongolianecological immigrants’ linguistic and culturaladaptation as well as the cultural psychologyand related identity issues according to theattitudes towards residence patterns,marriage, language, culture and othervariables. Based on the data analysis, the studyputs forward the suggestions of the currentwork with regard to ethnic groups. To solve theproblems of the immigrants’ adaptation, thevital method is the economic and socialdevelopment, including improving the systemof urban social security, raising the quality ofethnic education and vocational training,increasing the intensity of culture projects, andenriching the cultural life of border cities tosatisfy the spiritual and cultural needs ofecological migration. Proper handling therelationship between language and culturemakes a significant contribution to theconsolidation and development of theharmonious ethnic relationship.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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