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Arreta-defizitaren eta hiperaktibitatearen nahasmendua lau urteko umeengan eta haurdunaldiko tabako-kontsumoa

  • Autores: Helene Ezkiaga Echezarreta, Juan José Aurrekoetxea Agirre, Mercedes Espada Sáenz-Torre, Jesús Ibarluzea
  • Localización: Osagaiz: osasun-zientzien aldizkaria, ISSN-e 2530-9412, Vol. 1, Nº. 2 (Abendua), 2017, págs. 33-42
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Smoking during pregnancy and subsequent attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in four year olds
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • euskara

      Arreta-defizitaren eta hiperaktibitatearen nahasmendua (ADHN) umeengan arazo hedatua da gure gizartean. Haurdunaldian tabako-kontsumoarekin lotu izan da hainbat ikerketatan, baina lotura kausal hori ondo finkatu gabe dago gaur egun. Ikerketa honen helburua zera da: emakume haurdunen tabako-aztura eta haien haurdunalditik jaiotako 4 urteko umeen ADHNa ikertzea. ADHNari buruzko 323 umeren informazioa jaso zen. Prebalentzia % 2,5ekoa izan zen. Mutilek arrisku handiagoa erakusten zuten ADHNa pairatzeko neskek baino. Maila sozial baxuko eta, batez ere, lehen mailako edo ikasketa gabeko gurasoen umeek ADHNaren arriskua areagotuta zeukaten. Kohorteikerketa honetan amei haurdunaldiaren 32. astean tabakoari buruzko eta hainbat aldagai sozioekonomikori buruzko galdeketa egin zitzaien. Gainera, gernuko lagin batean kotinina neurtu zitzaien. Umeak 4 urteko pediatria-kontrola egiteko kontsultara eramaten zituzten helduei ADHD DMS-IV galdesorta pasatu zitzaien. Bi azpieskala ditu DMS-IV galdesortak, arreta-defizita eta hiperaktibitatea/inpultsibitatea neurtzen dutenak, 0tik 27 puntu bitartean, bakoitzean. Menpeko aldagaien asimetria dela eta, erregresio binomial negatiboa erabili zen analisi estatistikorako. Haurdunaldian erretzen zutenen edo gernu-kotinina altua (> 100 ng/ml) zeukaten amen umeek % 1722 bitarteko arreta-defizita izateko arrisku handiagoa zuten (esangura estatistikorik gabe). Hiperaktibitatea edo inpultsibitatea ez zen lotzen estatistikoki amaren tabako-kontsumoarekin. Ikerketa honek adierazten du ADHNaren eta haurdunaren tabako–kontsumoaren arteko lotura ez dela handia, baldin badago ere. Lanaren mugen artean dago laginaren tabako-azturaren prebalentzia (% 21ekoa haurdunaldiaren hasieran eta % 12koa 32. astean) eta kopuru murritza (gehienez 12 zigarro egunean). Ikerketa gehiago beharko dira hipotesi hau ondo zehazteko. 

    • English

      Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children is a widespread problem in contemporary society. Its association with tobacco consumption during pregnancy has been extensively studied, but a causal relation has not been established. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between smoking during pregnancy and the incidence of ADHD in subsequently born 4-year olds. Information was obtained from 323 children. The observed prevalence of ADHD was 2.5%. The boys showed a higher risk of having ADHD than the girls and children of parents from lower social classes or who had a low level of education showed an increased risk of developing ADHD. We documented the smoking habits of mothers at week 32 of their pregnancy and recorded the corresponding socioeconomic variables. In addition, cotinine was measured in urine samples. During the 4-year pediatric control visit, the ADHD DMS-IV questionnaire was given to the adult accompanying the child. The DMS-IV grades both attention deficit and hyperactivity-impulsivity on a scale ranging from 0 to 27 points. Due to the asymmetry of the dependent variables, negative binomial regression was carried out for statistical analysis. Children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy or had high urinary cotinine levels (> 100 ng/ml) showed a 17-22% higher risk of having attention deficit (not statistically significant). In contrast, hyperactivity-impulsivity was not associated with maternal smoking during pregnancy. The present study provides evidence for a lack of association between ADHD and smoking during pregnancy. Among the limits of this study are the prevalence of smoking (21% at the beginning of pregnancy and 12% at week 32) and the low number of cigarettes smoked (maximum 12 per day). More research will be needed to verify if more intense smoking habits can influence the prevalence of ADHD.

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