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Resumen de Immigranteak EAE-ra etortzeko faktoreak eta arrazoiak. Zein dei-faktoreri buruz ari gara?

Amaia García Azpuru, Angeriñe Elorriaga Illera

  • English

    The scope of this article is the factors and reasons that explain the immigration to the Basque Country, in order to verify if it is the social aid one of them.

    To aim this, a combined empirical quantitative and qualitative research has been proposed, allowing to cross data contributed by the official statistics with expert knowledge. Thus, the quantitative part would provide information on the presence of foreigners in the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) and its comparison with the rest of Spain; and the qualitative part would contribute to all the existing expert knowledge in the matter of international migratory flows.

    The results obtained show an increase of immigrant presence in the BAC for the last two decades, but this is far from being a community claim for the potential immigrant, because the position below the national average in absolute and percentage terms; and with the results of the interviews carried out, make it possible to overturn the usual discourse in which the income Welfare Benefits (WB) —and another series of social aids— encourages the arrival of immigration to the community, giving way to another series of factors or reasons of arrival such as job opportunities and social networks already settled in destination. Somehow, society is in the dilemma between a reality presented by the mass media or the political class where immigration is almost always linked to social assistance at destination, and the reality of an immigration that attends the employment opportunities offered.

  • euskara

    Lan honetan, Euskadirako immigrazioa azaltzen duten faktoreak eta arrazoiak aztertzen dira, gizarte-laguntzak horietako bat ote diren egiaztatu ahal izateko.

    Xede horrekin, ikerketa enpirikoa planteatu dugu, izaera kuantitatiboa eta kualitatiboa dituena aldi berean. Estatistika ofizialetatik ateratako datuekin batera, adituen ezagutzak konbinatu dira. Alde batetik, alderdi kuantitatiboan, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan dauden atzerritarrei buruzko informazioa eta EAEn eta Espainiako gainerako lurraldeetan dauden atzerritar kopurua alderatu ditugu. Beste alde batetik, alderdi kualitatiboan, nazioarteko migrazio-fluxuen arloan adituek diotena jaso dugu.

    Lortutako emaitzei erreparatuz, EAEn immigranteen kopuruak gora egin du duela bi hamarkadatik. Hala ere, immigrante potentzialentzat ez da jomugako erkidegoetako bat, EAE Estatuko batezbestekoaren azpitik baitago kopuru absolutuetan zein ehunekoetan. Horrez gain, egindako elkarrizketen emaitzak ere kontuan hartu ditugu. Beraz, esandako guztia dela eta, alde batera utzi behar dugu ohiko diskurtsoa, hots, Diru-sarrerak Bermatzeko Errenta (DBE) eta beste gizarte-laguntza batzu- direla-eta erkidegora immigrazioa etortzea sustatzen dela. Horren ordez, beste faktore edo arrazoi batzuk aipatu behar dira, besteak beste, lan-harremanak eta jo-mugan aurretik finkatuta dauden gizarte-sareak. Nolabait esanda, gizarteak hautatu behar du bi hauen artean: komunikabideek eta talde politikoek immigrazioa jomugako gizarte-laguntzei lotuta dagoela erakusten duten errealitatea eta eskaintzen diren lan-aukerei erreparatzen dien immigrazioaren errealitatea

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