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Resumen de XX. mende hasierako toberetako bertso-sortak

Maialen Moreno Zubeldia

  • euskara

    Artikulu honetan hiru bertso sorta eskaintzen dira. Bertso sorta horietako lehena XX. mende hasierako toberen inguruan kokatu behar da. Toberetatik kanpo egina bada ere, tobera horiek eragiten zituzten gertakarien berri ematen digu: alargun eta alarguntsa bikote baten arteko ezkontza salatzen dute bertsoek. Hurrengo biak, bi iturri desberdinetatik jasoak, toberetan kantatzen ziren bertsoak dira. 20 bertsoz osatutako osoena idatziz jasota dago eta gizon alargun baten eta emazte ezkondu baten arteko ezkutuko harremana salatzen du. 12 bertsoz osatutakoak, berriz, aukera ematen digu bertso horien doinua edo airea ezagutzeko. Bertso horiekin toberen pizgarri ziren gertakariak euskarazko bertsoetan jaso ziren bezala erakutsi nahi dira.

  • English

    This paper presents three collections of verses. The first is linked to the early 20th century "tobera" tradition, which was a kind of festive jesting in which groups would ring cow bells and shout teasing comments about certain members of the local community who were deemed to have done something meriting censure. Even though the first collection of verses are not strictly part of a tobera, they nevertheless show this tradition's influence in the type of event they denounce, namely a wedding between a widow and a widower. The other two collections come from two different sources, but are both sets of verses sung as part of a tobera. The most complete one is made up of 20 written verses and denounces a secret affair between a widowed man and a married woman. The other collection consists of 12 sung verses and offers the opportunity of hearing the sound and melody of these types of composition. The aim of presenting these collections is to reveail how the scandalous events denounced in the tobera tradition were reflected in Basque verses.

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