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Euskal kulturaren aitortza ipar euskal herrian: txanponaren bi aldeak

  • Autores: Eneko Bidegain Aire
  • Localización: Anuario de Eusko-Folklore: etnografía y paletnografía, ISSN 0210-7732, Nº. 51, 2015-2017 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Euskal kultura eta kulturgintza), págs. 89-99
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      The culture of the continental Basque country is alive and well. Even though amateur theatre is not as popular and vibrant as it was during the 1980s and 1990s, some companies still exist and are proving successsful. They find it much harder, however, to gain popularity in the Southern Basque Country, and works from that region are rarely seen on the Northern side either. The music field is also an area of great creativity, thanks to the arrival of a new generation of musicians. New young writers appear almost every year, but are quickly forgotten after the publication of their first book. "Bertsolaritza", or the art of Basque verse singing, on the other hand, is in excellent health. Consequently, in an era in which Basque culture is reaching a wider audience, non Basque speakers are less and less disposed to not understand its different manifestations and the demand for bilingualism is increasing

    • euskara

      Euskal Herri kontinentaleko kultura bizirik dago. Nahiz eta antzerki amateurrak ez duen 80ko eta 90eko hamarkadetako indarra, oraindik badaude taldeak eta arrakasta lortzen dute. Nekez zabaltzen dira, ordea, Hego Euskal Herrira, eta hango obrak ere gutxi ikusten dira Iparraldean. Musika arloan ere badago sorkuntza, belaunaldi berri bati esker. Idazle gazteak ateratzen dira ia urtero, baina lehen liburua argitaratu ondoan, ez dute aitzina jarraitzen. Bertsolaritza, aldiz, osasuntsu dago. Haatik, euskal kulturak publiko zabalagoa erakarri duen garaian, erdaldunek gero eta nekezago onartzen dute ez ulertzea, eta elebitasun eskaerak handitzen ari dira.

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