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Resumen de El honesto placer de la lectura: presencia de la eutrapelia en los prólogos de los libros de caballerías

Barry Taylor

  • español

    Eutrapelia (Aristóteles, Etica a Nicómaco) significa el placer moderado.  En su contexto original contemplaba actividades como los chistes, los juegos y el teatro; hacia el s. XIV se aplicaba a la ficción narrativa.  Se argumenta en el presente artículo que, aunque el término en sí era de circulación restringida, la eutrapelia como concepto se refleja en palabras aparentemente anodinas como recrearse y pasatiempo, citadas con frecuencia en los prólogos de los libros de caballerías. Eutrapelia (Aristotle, Nicomachaean Ethics) means moderate pleasure. Initially it addressed activities such as jokes, games and the theatre; by the fourteenth century it was being applied to narrative fiction. It is argued in this article that although the word eutrapelia was of limited circulation, the concept of eutrapelia is reflected in apparently anodine words such as recrearse and pasatiempo which frequently occur in the prologues of the romances of chivalry.

  • English

    Eutrapelia (Aristotle, Nicomachaean Ethics) means moderate pleasure.  Initially it addressed activities such as jokes, games and the theatre; by the fourteenth century it was being applied to narrative fiction.  It is argued in this article that although the word eutrapelia was of limited circulation, the concept of eutrapelia is reflected in apparently anodine words such as recrearse and pasatiempo which frequently occur in the prologues of the romances of chivalry.

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