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Resumen de Tolerance of Practices by Muslim Actors: An Integrative Social-Developmental Perspective

Maike Gieling, Jochem Thijs, Maykel Verkuyten

  • Using social-cognitive domain theory and social identity theory, tolerance judgments of practices by Muslim actors among Dutch adolescents (12–17) were investigated. The findings for Study 1 (N = 180) demonstrated that participants evaluated 4 practices using different types of reasons: personal, social-conventional, and moral. In Study 2 (N = 970), participants were more tolerant of acts considered to be a personal issue than of acts that pertained to moral issues (social-conventional acts were in the middle). Furthermore, participants were more tolerant of the particular practices than of campaigns for public support of co-Muslims for these practices. Level of education, in-group identification, and multiculturalism had much weaker effects in the moral than in the other domains. Age was negatively related to tolerance.

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