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Resumen de Representation of magnetic hysteresis in a circuit model of a single-phase transformer

Piotr Derugo, Krzysztof Szabat

  • Purpose – The paper presents a mathematical model for the hysteresis phenomenon in a multi-winding single-phase core type transformer. The set of loop differential equations was developed for Kth winding transformer model where the flux linkages of each winding includes a flux common Φ to all windings as function of magneto motive force Θ of all windings. The purpose of this paper is to first determine a hysteresis nonlinearity involved in Φ(Θ) function using modified Preisach theory and second to develop new analytical formula of Preisach distribution function (PDF).

    Design/methodology/approach – It is assumed in this paper that flux linkage characteristics Ψ(i) of each winding have nonlinear component due to the magnetization characteristic of the steel core and sum of linear components due to the self and mutual leakage fluxes. This nonlinear component of Ψ(i) characteristic can be expressed as a flux common Φ to all windings vs ampere-turns Θ of all windings. The nonlinear flux linkage characteristics Ψ(i) of the tested transformer are calculated from the set of measured terminal voltages and terminal currents. To simulate magnetic behavior of the iron core the feedback scalar Preisach model of hysteresis is proposed which gives more accurate predictions than classical model. For this hysteresis model the PDF and feedback function are needed. The intend of this paper is to find these function as an analytical formulas which are convenient for numerical simulations. For identification of the PDF and feedback function parameters of the considered iron core of tested transformer the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm was used.

    Findings – The flux common to all windings is calculated by integrating the induced voltages of the appropriate windings. In this paper the PDF is proposed as a functional series including two dimensional Gauss expressions. In order to proper approximation of hysteresis nonlinearity of the tested iron core the first three terms of functional series of the PDF have been used. In the optimization algorithm only initial and descending limiting hysteresis curves Φ(Θ) were utilized. The feedback function for proposed hysteresis model is assumed as third-order polynomial. The hysteresis model has been successfully validated by comparing the calculated and measured results of Φ(Θ) hysteresis curves. This hysteresis model can be used in transient and steady state simulations of tested transformer taking into account the hysteresis phenomenon. The developed hysteresis model can be also used for analysis of the influence of remnant flux on the operation of tested transformer especially in transient states.

    Originality/value – In this paper the feedback Preisach hysteresis model is involved in the flux common to all windings vs ampere-turns of all windings. The new PDF is proposed as functional series including two dimensional Gauss expressions. For tested transformer the three first terms of this functional series may be used for proper approximation of hysteresis nonlinearities.

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