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Resumen de Pluralism, Social Work and an Ethical-Political Project: one theme many challenges

Valeria Lucilia Forti

  • English

    Abstract This essay is the result of observations drawn from our decades of experience as a social worker and professor, particularly of classes in professional ethics in Social Work. It is also based on theoretical studies and qualitative empirical academic research about ethics/professional ethics and Social Work. The content was partially presented and debated in a lecture at the XV ENPESS. The arguments seek to deepen the debate about the relationship between pluralism and Social Work. Such a debate is essential to professionals in the field, since it is linked to the fundamental ethical principles of the current Code of Professional Ethics of Social Workers. It should be noted that there is a sufficient and critical apprehension of the subject by Social Work professionals and students must have an adequate and critical grasp of these issues, particularly considering the present moment when current conservative waves that are expressed with such importance in the social life of Brazilians and seem to have repercussions in this professional field.

  • português

    Resumo Este ensaio é fruto de observações extraídas de nossa experiência como assistente social e docente, particularmente, na disciplina ética profissional em Serviço Social, estudos teóricos e pesquisas empíricas qualitativas no âmbito acadêmico acerca da ética/ ética profissional e Serviço Social. Seu conteúdo foi parcialmente apresentado e debatido, por meio de palestra, no XV ENPESS. Nele há argumentos que buscam adensar o debate acerca da relação entre o pluralismo e o Serviço Social. Tal debate é imprescindível aos profissionais da área, haja vista vincular-se aos princípios éticos fundamentais do Código de Ética Profissional do Assistente Social em vigor. Observe-se que a apreensão suficiente e crítica da temática pelos profissionais e estudantes do Serviço Social é mister, em particular no momento presente em que ondas conservadoras se expressam com tamanha importância na vida social dos brasileiros e parecem repercutir nesse âmbito profissional.

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