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Resumen de Macroscopy and light microscopy of the discomallear ligament passing through the petrotympanic fissure in human fetuses

L.O. Carvalho de Moraes, S. de Quadros Uzeda, S.R. Marques, C. Vretos, Ana María Itezerote, Ricardo Luiz Smith, L. Garcia Alonso

  • In light of the controversy reported in previous studies, we conducted this study with the objective of using macroscopy and light microscopy to elucidate the morphology of the discomallear ligament and detail its topographic relationship with other fibrous structures of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Two human fetuses with 36 and 37 weeks of intrauterine life were used. Bundles of longitudinal fibers crossed the petrotympanic fissure forming a single ligament. Microscopic analysis of laminae from the discomallear and anterior malleolar ligament region showed that their insertion into the malleus is a region common to both ligaments. Therefore, these findings suggest that the discomallear and anterior malleolar ligaments could be distinct portions (anterior and superior) of the same ligament. Additionally, we propose the inclusion of these ligaments in future editions of the international anatomic nomenclature.

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