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Resumen de Levels of linguistic self-educational competence development among the students of non-linguistic specialties

Kuzmenko Valentina Igorevna, Ilyin Alexander Gennadievich, Ibatova Aygul Zufarovna

  • The levels of linguistic-self-educational competence, their main criteria and indicators are described in the article on the basis of psychological and pedagogical literature analysis. The mastering of a foreign language is not only the task of an education institution, but also a personal necessity. The students of non-linguistic specialties have the least deal with a foreign language, but a foreign language is of great importance for them. The main difficulties that are analyzed in the article are related to the insufficient competence of students of non-linguistic specialties and to an insufficient initial preparation in the field of a foreign language. Preparation of future specialists with the use of foreign literature becomes more relevant nowadays. A big role belongs to the process of self-education that lasts throughout a person's life, which does not contradict the new state standards in the field of education.

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