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Resumen de Space-temporal thinking in salinger’s “Uncle wiggily in connecticut” and its film adaptation My foolish heart

Renata Gonçalves Lopes

  • português

    This essay attempt to develop a study on J.D. Salinger’s Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut (1948) in rela-tion to its adaptation to the cinema entitled My Foo-lish Heart (1950), regarding the review of literature of both masterpieces and an analysis of specific parts and scenes according to Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of space--temporal relations in literature and arts. The repulse of Salinger to his story’s adaptation and his behavior of reclusiveness is also mentioned as a matter of con-textualization because of the difficulty of finding the film nowadays. Some other comparisons are made in the essay, putting Salinger, Edward Albee and Kathe-rine Mansfield in dialogue to each other through their literature.

  • português

    Este ensaio desenvolve um estudo sobre o conto ‚Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut” (1948), do escritor J.D. Salinger, e a sua adaptação cinematográfica intitulada My Foolish Heart (1950), com base na revisão da crítica de ambas as obras e na análise de cenas e par-tes específicas, de acordo com a teoria de tempoespa-ço em literatura e artes. A repulsa de Salinger à adap-tação de seu conto e seu comportamento recluso são também mencionados, a fim de contextualizar a dificuldade de se encontrar o filme atualmente. Algumas outras comparações são feitas neste ensaio, colocando Salinger, Edward Albee e Katherine Mansfield em diá-logo através de suas literaturas.

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