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Resumen de Comparison of personality traits of mothers of xceptional students and normal students of the city of danesfahan

Golestan Jahanshahlou, NargesNajari Almouti, Fahimeh TaherKhani, Sara Bajelan, Chehreh Kharamlou

  • Mothers' most significant role both in home and in social environment is the nurturing role. The importance of such role is clear since the infant is pacified in mother's arms for the first time. Child's personality reflects their parents' personality especially their mother's. The descriptive research method is of correlational type. For this purpose, 34 mothers of normal and exceptional students from the city of Danesfahan were selected by random sampling. Data-gathering tool is short questionnaire forms on NEO personality traits. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and SPSS software. In this study the independent t-test was used for checking the significant correlation between the average scores of the participants. The significance level below 0.05 indicates the different significance between the two average scores in the field of neurosis, extroversion, and the openness to experience. Mothers with disabled children have a significantly higher level of anxiety and depression. They are more introverted and their openness to experience is more than that of mothers with normal children. Although mothers with disabled children have a higher mean score in degree of agreeability with living conditions and conscientiousness, this difference is not significant. Mothers of exceptional children face a great deal of problems and challenges and become depressed by high volume of distressing stimuli. Therefore, by making sound decisions and policies at micro and macro level, actions should be taken in such a way as to reduce the severity of these tensions.

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