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Resumen de Efeito agudo do método agonista/antagonista sobre o número de repetições no movimento de flexão do joelho com carga de 10 RMs

Édi Wilson Bacedônio Peuckert, Lidiane Requia Alli Feldmann

  • português

    O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o efeito agudo do método agonista/antagonista (AA) sobre o número de repetições do movimento de flexão do joelho com carga de 10 RMs. Foram voluntários para o estudo 10 indivíduos do sexo masculino (26,7 ± 6,7 anos, 177 ± 8 cm, 95,3 ± 9,8 kg e IMC de 30,21 ± 3,2) com experiência em treino de força há no mínimo seis meses. A coleta de dados foi realizada em três dias não consecutivos. No primeiro dia de testes foram realizadas medidas antropométricas e um teste de 10 repetições máximas (10 RMs) para a extensão do joelho (cadeira extensora), após dois dias, para flexão do joelho (mesa flexora). No terceiro dia foi realizada uma série com a carga de 10 RMs da extensão de joelho e em seguida foi realizada uma série de flexão de joelho com as cargas de 10 RMs até a falha concêntrica. Para mensurar a carga de um RM antes e após os testes, foi utilizada uma equação de predição de um RM. A comparação foi realizada através de um Teste de Wilcoxon para dados não paramétricos. Com a carga de 10 RMs chegou-se ao número de 13 ± 1,4 repetições, dando diferença significativa entre as cargas preditas de 10 RMs e o desempenho no sistema agonista-antagonista. Os resultados sugerem que o método agonista-antagonista melhora o desempenho e a força no movimento de flexão dos joelhos nas condições sugeridas no estudo. ABSTRACT Acute effect of the agonist / antagonist method on the number of repetitions in the movement of flexion of the knee with charge of 10 RMsThe aim of the study was to investigate the acute effect of the agonist / antagonist method (AA) on the number of repetitions of knee flexion with load of 10 RMs. They volunteered for the study 10 males (26.7 ± 6.7 years, 177 ± 8 cm, 95.3 ± 9.8 kg and BMI of 30.21 ± 3.2) with experience in strength training for at least six months. Data collection was performed in three non-consecutive days. On the first day of tests were conducted anthropometric measurements and 10 maximum repetitions test (10 RMs) for knee extension (extensor chair), after two days for knee flexion (leg curl). On the third day was performed with a series of 10 load knee extension of MRs and then was performed a knee flexion series with the loads 10 to MRs concentric failure. To measure the load one MRI before and after testing, a one RM prediction equation was used. The comparison was performed using a Wilcoxon test for nonparametric data. With the load of 10 RMs came to the number of 13 ± 1.4 repetitions, making a significant difference between the predicted load of 10 RMs and performance in agonist-antagonist system. The results suggested that the agonist-antagonist method improves the performance and strength in bending motion of the knee under the conditions suggested in the study.

  • English

    Acute effect of the agonist / antagonist method on the number of repetitions in the movement of flexion of the knee with charge of 10 RMs The aim of the study was to investigate the acute effect of the agonist / antagonist method (AA) on the number of repetitions of knee flexion with load of 10 RMs. They volunteered for the study 10 males (26.7 ± 6.7 years, 177 ± 8 cm, 95.3 ± 9.8 kg and BMI of 30.21 ± 3.2) with experience in strength training for at least six months. Data collection was performed in three non-consecutive days. On the first day of tests were conducted anthropometric measurements and 10 maximum repetitions test (10 RMs) for knee extension (extensor chair), after two days for knee flexion (leg curl).

    On the third day was performed with a series of 10 load knee extension of MRs and then was performed a knee flexion series with the loads 10 to MRs concentric failure. To measure the load one MRI before and after testing, a one RM prediction equation was used. The comparison was performed using a Wilcoxon test for nonparametric data. With the load of 10 RMs came to the number of 13 ± 1.4 repetitions, making a significant difference between the predicted load of 10 RMs and performance in agonist-antagonist system. The results suggested that the agonist-antagonist method improves the performance and strength in bending motion of the knee under the conditions suggested in the study.

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