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Resumen de The Spanish movie production, 1940-2014: From the postwar to nowdays

Henry Ali Aray Casanova

  • Time series data over the 1940–2014 period are used to show a picture of how Spanish movie production evolved after the civil war. We propose two approaches to analysing the evolution of the production of movies. First, we simply focus on how movie production evolved over time; we are able to identify three phases, determined by the starting of the decline of the García Escudero period (1966) and the year 1994 when Act 17/1994 was issued and Belle Epoque won the Oscar. Second, we alternatively propose estimating the fluctuations in the production of movies to a lineal trend (business cycle) over the 1940–2014 period and we are also able to identify three phases, whose key events were the Royal Decree 3304/1983 (the so called Miró Act) and Act 55/2007. Moreover, García Escudero’s policy and the Miro Act seem to have equally deviated the production of movies from its long term trend but in opposite directions.

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