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Resumen de Der Tote vom Miihlberg: Zur Konkurrenz zweier Herrschaftsbereiche am Beispiel des Schneeberger Bergbaureviers 1477/78

Matthias Maetschke

  • Dead body found on the Miihlberg: On the rivalry of two regimes of authority in the miningarea of Schneeberg 1477/78. In 1470 great quantities of silver were discovered near the Schneeberg which forms a part of the Erzgebirge in Saxony. Miners from all over Germany rushed to the site to win a share of the precious metal. A serious conflict ensued between the miners and the rural population already living in the área. This was not a simple dispute about the use of land. Mining and agriculture were two regimes of authority (Herrschaftsbereiche) with a specific set of rules and a peculiar hierarchy. Examining a dispute about the jurisdiction over a homicide in 1477/78 as an example, this article tries to show that the law provided no mechanisms to solve the regular clashes between the two regimes.

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