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Resumen de Práticas educomunicativas no projeto Alunos em Rede – Mídias Escolares e cidadania comunicativa

Jiani Adriana Bonin, Franciele Zarpelon Corrêa

  • English

    The article focuses a study which had as main objective to investigate the educommunicative practices conceived in the process of radio production by students of the project Alunos em Rede – Mídias Escolares (Porto Alegre, RS) and its connections with communicative citizenship development. In the text, is recovered the theorical-metodological design used in order to build this research. Also, the educommunicative practices developed and the products performed by the students in the perspective of thinking possibilities to learn and practice communicative citizenship are analyzed in this project.

  • português

    O artigo recupera delineamentos teórico-metodológicos e resultados de uma pesquisa que investigou as práticas educomunicativas configuradas no processo de produção radiofônica do projeto Alunos em Rede - Mídias escolares (Porto Alegre, RS) na perspectiva da cidadania comunicativa.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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