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Resumen de Prospects for European research and development in training & education*

John Whiting

  • This paper outlines the prospects for research and development in the education and training fields offered by the European Communities. The position of the EC is explained in relation to the existing and forthcoming Framework Programmes of research and development. The 1987–91 Framework Programme has committed most of its funding to existing programmes. Only one, DELTA directly concerns R&D in the education and training technologies. This commenced in 1989 with only 20 million ECU and ends in Spring 1991. In the new Framework Programme, DELTA is expected to continue with funding of between 40 and 60 million ECU though this remains undecided at present. The earliest date for a new DELTA call for proposals in Spring 1991, meaning that work on the new four year programme will not commence until late autumn 1991 at the earliest. There will therefore be a considerable gap between the two. An outline of the likely structure and contents of a new DELTA programme is given, characterised by better liaison with other programmes and a more rational approach to the development of the advanced learning technologies. Other, non-Framework Programmes concerned with aspects of education and training such as COMETT, LINGUA, EUROTECNET and TEMPUS are placed in context with this. The paper concludes with general advice and explanation of EC procedures for application, evaluation and approval of proposals for Framework R&D Proposals.

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