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Resumen de Le Japon confronté à sa puissance ou la vertu de la discrétion

Philippe Pons

  • English

    JAPAN CONFRONTED WITH ITS POWER OR THE VIRTUE OF DISCRETION, by PHILIPPE PONS Japan's realization of its power is a relatively recent phenomenon which is not really due to any change in the thinking of its leaders or an intentional shift, but has been imposed by facts. Despite its undeniable re-emergence, Japan remains diplomatically and strategically withdrawn — reluctant fully to assume and use its power. The main unknown factors as regards the future of Japan concerns its now friendly relations with neighbouring China. [Revue française de science politique XXX (2), avril 1980, pp. 306-327.]

  • français

    LE JAPON CONFRONTÉ A SA PUISSANCE OU LA VERTU DE DISCRÉTION, par PHILIPPE PONS La prise de conscience de leur puissance par les Japonais est un phénomène relativement récent qui résulte moins d'une évolution de la pensée des dirigeants et d'une volonté qu'elle n'a été imposée par les faits. Malgré son incontestable rentrée en scène, le Japon demeure, sur le plan diplomatico-stratégique, en position de retrait, hésitant à prendre et à assumer pleinement sa puissance. La principale inconnue de l'avenir du Japon est, sans doute, son voisinage, désormais amical, avec la Chine. [Revue française de science politique XXX (2), avril 1980, pp. 306-327.] JAPAN CONFRONTED WITH ITS POWER OR THE VIRTUE OF DISCRETION PHILIPPE PONS realization of its power is relatively recent phenomenon which is not really due to any change in the thinking of its leaders or an intentional shift but has been imposed by facts Despite its undeniable re-emergence Japan remains diplomatically and strategi cally withdrawn reluctant fully to assume and use its power The main unknown fac tors as regards the future of Japan concerns its now friendly relations with neighbouring China Revue fran aise de science politique XXX 2) avril 19SO pp 306-327.

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