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Resumen de L'Adozione omogenitoriale dopo la legge 20 maggio 2016, n. 76: Ubi lex voluit... Tacuit?

Marco Farina

  • The same-sex adoption after law 76/2016. ubi lex voluit... tacuit? Although having introduced a new regulation of same-sex unions, Italian law 76/2016 renounces to regúlate adoptions by same-sex couples. However, this issue is of the utmost relevance when it comes to judicial decisions, especially because judges are significantly inclined to allow same-sex adoptions through a broad interpretation of art. 44, sub-sec. 1-d of Law 184/1983. This case law based approach, developed during the legislative procedure that led to the enactment of Law 76/2016 and Consolidated thereafter, appears to be absolutely compliant with national constitutional principies, while it does not seem to be against the overall wording of the new law.

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