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Resumen de Matrimonio e unioni civili: Un primo confronto

Gilda Ferrando

  • English

    Marriage and Civil Unions: a comparison. The essay provides a comparison at first glancc between the institution of Civil Unions and Marriage, by taking into account the role that the Constitutional and European Courts played in the approval of Law no. 76 of 2016. In this perspective, it proposes a reflection on the evolution of the concept of Family, followed by a compared review of the rights and duties arising from the institutions of Marriage and Civil Union and of the procedures for setting up the bond. The conclusions, while giving rise to a positive assessment on the law with respect to the question of equality in the protection of different pairs, notice that there is still a legal vacuum in the field of LGBT parenting.

  • English

    Civil Unions, Marriage, Equality, Family, Gay Couples, Stepchild Adoption.

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