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Resumen de Is performance feedback for educators an evidence-based practice?: A systematic review and evaluation based on single-case research

Lindsay M. Fallon, Melissa A. Collier-Meek, Daniel M. Maggin, Lisa M. H. Sanetti, Austin H. Johnson

  • Optimal levels of treatment fidelity, a critical moderator of intervention effectiveness, are often difficult to sustain in applied settings. It is unknown whether performance feedback, a widely researched method for increasing educators’ treatment fidelity, is an evidence-based practice.

    The purpose of this review was to evaluate the current research on performance feedback as a strategy to promote the implementation of school-based practices. Studies were evaluated according to What Works Clearinghouse (WWC; Kratochwill et al., 2010) technical guidelines for single-case design, utilizing both the design and evidence standards to determine whether studies provided sufficient evidence for the effectiveness of performance feedback. Results indicate that performance feedback can be termed an evidence-based intervention based on criteria set by the WWC. Implications for future research are described.

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