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Resumen de Vinculo afectivo e alianza de traballo psicoterapéutico: cando amor e traballo van da man

Yolanda Castro Casanova, María Gabriela Domínguez Martínez

  • galego

    Este artigo trata de ilustrar o procedemento psicoterapéutico desde a perspectiva da relación, vínculo ou alianza terapéutica. O uso de elementos afectivos no establecemento e mantemento da alianza de traballo psicoterapéutico con pacientes non motivados, ilústrase coa descrición do procedemento de intervención seguido con dúas persoas usuarias do sistema de saúde mental e do sistema de protección de menores respectivamente.

    O ter en conta os elementos contextuais dos sistemas institucionais nos que se atopan os pacientes, permite o establecemento dun contexto de intervención terapéutica que marque unha diferenza para a confianza, colaboración e implicación persoal no proceso terapéutico.

  • English

    This article tries to illustrate the psychotherapeutic procedure from the perspective of the relationship, attachment or therapeutic alliance. The use of affective elements in the establishment and maintenance of the psychotherapeutic alliance with patients not motivated, is illustrated with the description of the psychotherapeutic intervention with two people users of the system of mental health and child protection system respectively. If we take into account the contextual elements of the institutional system in which patients are, it allows the establishment of a framework of therapeutic intervention that influences in the trust, the collaboration, and the personal involvement in the therapeutic process.

Fundación Dialnet

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