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Narcís Jubany, un bisbe català al Concili Vaticà II. Ut veritas evangelii permaneat (I)

  • Autores: Daniel Palau i Valero
  • Localización: Revista catalana de teología, ISSN 0210-5551, Vol. 41, Nº. 1, 2016, págs. 167-200
  • Idioma: catalán
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • català

      El present article recull les intervencions que el bisbe, i després cardenal, Narcís Jubany desenvolupàdurant el Concili Vaticà II. Hem volgut acostar-nos a les actes del Concili per descobrir l’argumentarique el bisbe, en aquells anys, primer auxiliar de Barcelona i després titular de Girona, oferí per a lareflexió i treball posterior de diversos textos conciliars. En el transcurs d’aquestes diverses intervencionses pot anar copsant el seu desig intens i verídic de viure l’esdeveniment conciliar com un veritablemoment de l’Esperit de Déu per a la vida de l’Església, així com la voluntat personal d’arribar auna síntesi senzilla, clara i pastoral de les intuïcions que s’anaven plasmant en els textos finals. Eltrajecte conciliar del bisbe Jubany travessa una bona part dels documents, tant de les constitucions,dels decrets com de les declaracions, però a més a més, mai com un pare conciliar desvinculat delstreballs de les comissions, ni tampoc, de les xarxes humanes de coneixença que s’anaven teixintentre els mateixos participants, pares conciliars i teòlegs propers. Al cap i a la fi, podem observar comtot el procés dins l’aula tindrà una plasmació fora de l’aula en els seus anys de pasturatge, especialmenta Barcelona.

    • English

      This article gathers together the contribution made by Bishop, then Cardinal, Narcís Jubany, during Vatican II. We have sought to look at the acts of the Council to uncover the argumentation of the Bishop which he put forward for consideration and for the later work on various council texts during those years when he was first auxiliary bishop in Barcelona before becoming bishop of Girona. In working through these different contributions, there emerges clearly his intense and sincere wish to live out the conciliar event as a moment that truly was of the Spirit of God for the life of the Church, as well as his own personal desire to achieve a simple, clear and pastoral synthesis of the intuitions that took shape in the final documents. The conciliar journey of Bishop Jubany is apparent in a good deal of these documents, whether it be the constitutions or decrees or declarations, but above all, never as a conciliar father out of touch with the work of these commissions nor from the human networks of knowledge which were created among the participants themselves, both the conciliar fathers and theologians proper. All in all, it can be seen how the whole process has been shaped from outside the formal study by its years of being nourished in other pastures, especially in Barcelona.

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