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Resumen de Espectres de Derrida. La decisió de (no) deconstruir el marxisme

Guillem Martí Soler

  • català

    Resum: El treball emprès per Jacques Derrida sobre l’herència de Marx encara suscita, o hauria de suscitar, nombrosos interrogants, dubtes, debats, i per què no, tant abans com ara, algunes incomoditats. En aquest context, el present article sostéque Marx obliga a transformar la comprensió de la deconstrucció, la seva posada en escena i la seva praxi. Juntament i més enllà de l’interrogant: És possible/cal deconstruir Marx? s’albira l’interrogant: És possible/cal deconstruir la deconstrucció? Lluny de respondre, n’hi ha prou, aquí, en proposar que Derrida sigui llegit tal com ell proposa que ho sigui Marx: en els seus múltiples espectres.  Abstract: The work started by Jacques Derrida on the Marx inheritance still poses, or should pose, numerous questions, doubts, debates and, why not, some nuisances. In this context, the present article contends that Marx forces us to change the comprehension of the deconstruction, its performance and its praxis. With and beyond the question: Is it possible/necessary to deconstruct Marx? we discern the question: Is it possible/necessary to deconstruct the deconstruction? Far from answer, here it is enough with suggesting that Derrida was read as he suggest that Marx should be: in his multiples spectres.  

  • English

    Abstract: The work started by Jacques Derrida on the Marx inheritance still poses, or should pose, numerous questions, doubts, debates and, why not, some nuisances. In this context, the present article contends that Marx forces us to change the comprehension of the deconstruction, its performance and its praxis. With and beyond the question: Is it possible/necessary to deconstruct Marx? we discern the question: Is it possible/necessary to deconstruct the deconstruction? Far from answer, here it is enough with suggesting that Derrida was read as he suggest that Marx should be: in his multiples spectres.  

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