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Resumen de Le concept de mimésis: Une clé pour la définition des réécritures d'Antonin Artaud

Annick Mannekens

  • Antonin Artaud (1896–1948), a French author many consider to be an innovative genius, has grafted some of his writings onto texts written by other authors. Based on the analysis of one of his texts, in casu the Avertissement which precedes Le Moine de Lewis raconté par Antonin Artaud, we intend to define this activity as rewriting. In order to better understand Artaud’s poetry, we also analyse his texts on Balthus, a painter. Indeed, the way in which Artaud creates from certain texts can be compared to the way in which Balthus proceeds. To reach this definition, we referred to Lacoue-Labarthe’s concept of mimesis such as it appears in Typographies, l’imitation des modernes.

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