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Resumen de A metà cammino. Renato Birolli tra figurazione e astrazione

Paolo Rusconi

  • In mid-way. Renato Birolli between figuration and abstraction.

    The paper proposes discussing the Milan artistic scene in the early 1950s, focusing on a visual anthology based mainly on the work of Renato Birolli.

    The aim is to once again think of the artist's work and the Milan context through a greater complexity of information and materials: archive scrutiny and graphic documentation. A first tangible and limited result will be that of putting back into circulation the painter's production that best entered into an interrogative relationship with the realist positions present in Milan.

    An effort is made in particular to expand the confines of the historiographic sequences established up until now, questioning the irreducible distance between positions considered opposed, the question of political involvement and adhesion to the cultural policy of the PCI, the supine acquiescence to group discipline, among disputes, intrigues and defections, and relations and convergences with the transalpine area.

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