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Resumen de Técnica y automática como problemas humanos

R. Vieweg

  • Immediately after the last world war wide parts of the population showed an a-technical, even an anti-technical attitude. Looking for a culprit for certain symptoms of degeneration, characterized as "leading to the formation of mass", they thought having found him in technology. Since the concept automation has proved particularly important for the newest technical development, the aversion against techniques in general has been joined by a fearful antipathy against automation. The origins of that cultural pessimism are demonstrated. it can easily be explained hoy manifold the errors in such reflections are. There is no doubt, that, in the whole world, industrialization and technification are steadily increasing processes and that in modern technology automation means an additional help for our life. Together with rationalization and standarization, it contributes to raising the standard of living of the nations and moreover to their spiritual promotion. Thus, the vocation of technology means serving the high aims of humanity not only under material but under ethical aspects as well, and any scientist and any engineer can cooperate in this mission.

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