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Resumen de Continuous evaluation in physics subjects of engineering degrees: Results and conclusions

Adriano Campo Bagatín, Sergi Gallego Rico, Mariela L. Álvarez López, María Soledad Yebra Calleja, Andrés Márquez Ruiz, Antonio Hernández Prados, Amparo Marco Tobarra, Ignacio Negueruela Díez, Manuel F. Ortuño Sánchez, Julio Luis Rosa Herranz, José M. Torrejón Vázquez, Augusto Beléndez, David I. Méndez Alcaraz

  • Since academic year 2003/2004 a series of modifications has been introduced in physics subjects of the Engineering degrees of the University of Alicante in order to achieve a continuous evaluation. The importance of continuous evaluation increases the students� success, in particular in experimental subjects, where the level of abstraction needed for a correct comprehension is considerably high. In this work we have analyzed and evaluated the modifications introduced for the student�s continuous evaluation. We have compared results for the last three academic years with the previous ones using the standard evaluation methods. Finally, since the continuous evaluation activities are optional, we have analyzed the evolution of the student attitude to these new proofs and the results achieved at the end of the year. After analyzing these results, we can conclude that a continuous evaluation increases the student�s success in physics subjects. Furthermore, it is important to mention that the student�s active participation during the lectures has also increased. In this sense it is clear that a continuous evaluation forces the students to dedicate more time to study the subject.

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