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Resumen de The unusual Bay of Bengal earthquake of 21 may 2014 (Mw 6.1)

Shri Krishna Singh, Vala Hjörleifsdóttir, G. Suresh, D. Srinagesh

  • The Bay of Bengal earthquake of 21 May 2014 (Mw 6.1) was unusual because of its depth and the large distances over which it was felt. It was an intraplate, strike-slip event, located far from plate boundaries. The depth reported by different agencies ranges between 51 and 61 km (Table 1). This puts the event in the oceanic mantle at a depth where brittle rupture is not expected. The earthquake was felt over a large area in India, in cities as far as Delhi and Jaipur (~1600km; Martin and Hough, 2015). This seems surprising in view of the oceanic location of the earthquake and its moderate magnitude.

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