As ausencias ás primeiras consultas programadas nas Unidades de Saúde Mental son un claro problema asistencial. Nesta investigación plantexámonos estudar a influencia dalgunhas variábeis sociodemográficas (sexo e idade), tempo medio de espera e existencia ou non de historia previa na unidade, comparando o grupo de ausentes co grupo de asistentes das 1031 primeiras consultas programadas en Psicoloxía Clínica na U.S.M.-II (Caranza) de Ferrol durante o ano 2007 e o ano 2008. Os resultados mostran que non existe relación coas variábeis sexo, idade nin contacto previo coa unidade. O tempo de espera é o factor que máis parece influír neste fenómeno.
The failure to the first regular appointments in Mental Health Centres represent a clear welfare problem. In this investigation we study the influence of some sociodemographic variables (sex and age), previous contact in the centre and the length of time the patient waits in a group of failed subjects compared with a group of attending subjects of 1031 initial appointments with Clinical Psychology in Ferrol Mental Health Centre (Caranza), during 2007 and 2008 years. Results shows that there´s no relationship between the variables in terms of sex, age or patients with a previous contact in the centre.
The length of time the patient waits is the most important factor.
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