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Resumen de Le processus collectif de création d'un feuilleton télévisé: Une division du travail d'auteurs

Muriel Mille

  • English

    The production of a television series is based on a deeply rationalized and divided organization of labor. The collective process of creation reveals dissensions concerning the mandates of the various workers. The industrialized manufacturing of TV fiction questions who holds the authorship on the product and thus professional hierarchies in this art world. This article shows the contradictions among the cooperating partners, each of them following rival professional logics, and trying to reinterpret and make theirs the production constraints in their creative work. The rationalization of the production leads to conflict of jurisdictions between the various professionals involved, especially the scriptwriters specialized in the storylines and the ones writing the dialogues, and also between the writers and the people responsible of the shooting.

  • français

    La production d'un feuilleton télévisé repose sur une organisation du travail fortement rationalisée et divisée. Le processus collectif de création est source de tensions autour des mandats des différents intervenants. Le caractère industriel de la création questionne la place des auteurs et renverse une partie des hiérarchies professionnelles existant dans le monde audiovisuel. Cet article examine les formes de coopération et de concurrence créées par cette division du travail entre les différents intervenants du processus de production. La chaîne de fabrication morcelle le travail d'écriture, et rationalise la division du travail pour produire un flux d'épisodes. Cette division redéfinit les rôles des scénaristes et leurs spécialités. Cependant malgré l'importance des contraintes pesant sur les auteurs, l'industrialisation de la fabrication leur donne aussi un pouvoir important sur le contenu des épisodes.The Production of Fiction as an Assembly-line. Division of Labor in the Making of a Daytime Soap OperaThe production of a television series is based on a deeply rationalized and divided organization of labor. The collective process of creation reveals dissensions concerning the mandates of the various workers. The industrialized manufacturing of TV fiction questions who holds the authorship on the product and thus professional hierarchies in this art world. This article shows the contradictions among the cooperating partners, each of them following rival professional logics, and trying to reinterpret and make theirs the production constraints in their creative work. The rationalization of the production leads to conflict of jurisdictions between the various professionals involved, especially the scriptwriters specialized in the storylines and the ones writing the dialogues, and also between the writers and the people responsible of the shooting.

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