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Resumen de Istruzione religiosa, giurisprudenza amministrativa e novità legislative: dal «buono scuola» alla «buona scuola»

Marta Tigano

  • The present essay starts by analyzing some recent rulings of the administrative courts concerning the evaluation of the services provided by the religion teachers in private schools for the purpose of public competitions. Municipal budgets are encharged of such services. According to the examined rulings, in these circumstances the services would be evaluable as the ones provided in public schools. Such a solution is based on an interesting interpretation of the idea of subsidiarity, as a possibility of participation in providing a service indispensable for cives tout court. The Author also analyzes rulings concerning the «buono scuola»; the legitimacy of «buono scuola» confirms the idea that even local agencies can contribute to carrying out freedom of education. A brief mention is devoted to the discussion concerning the coherence of legislative news about recruitment of teachers with freedom of teaching

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