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Resumen de Fluchtgrund sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität: Auswirkungen von heteronormativem Wissen auf die Asylverfahren LGBTI-Geflüchteter

Katharina Hübner

  • This article analyses how asylum claims based on queer sexual orientation or gender identity are negotiated in asylum procedures. Basing my analysis on Judith Butler‘s concept of heteronormativity, I examine which heteronormative arguments become salient in rejecting or approving asylum claims of LGBTI-refugees. My findings show problems associatedwith the credibility assessment and the dangers of either essentializing or denyingqueer identites. Moreover, I address the European Court of Justice’smore recent decisions, which overruled demands for discretion, while remaining reticent on social discrimination,as well as veiling the problematics of criminalizing queer practices.

Fundación Dialnet

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