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Resumen de Reasoning about Web Applications: An Operational Semantics for HOP

Gerard Boudol, Zhengqian Luo, Tamara Rezk, Manuel A. Serrano Martín

  • We propose a small-step operational semantics to support reasoning about Web applications written in the multitier language HOP. The semantics covers both server side and client side computations, as well as their interactions, and includes creation of Web services, distributed client-server communications, concurrent evaluation of service requests at server side, elaboration of HTML documents, DOM operations, evaluation of script nodes in HTML documents and actions from HTML pages at client side. We also model the browser same origin policy (SOP) in the semantics. We propose a safety property by which programs do not get stuck due to a violation of the SOP and a type system to enforce it.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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