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Resumen de Europan hizkuntz politika berrirako gomendioak

Marc Lepêtre Alemany

  • euskara

    Hizkuntz azterketak egiten espezializatutako lau zentruk Europako Komunitatearen Batzordearen eskariz egindako ikerketa lanen fruitua da honako artikulu hau. Euromosaic izenpean, Europako Komunitatearen hizkuntza minorizatua duten komunitate ezberdinen egoerari buruzko konparaketa analisi osoa eta zehatzari ekitea ez beste, baita ere -eta agian batez ere-, Europako hizkuntz politika berrirako oinarriak ezarri nahi ditu proiektu honek, azterketaren konklusioen eta Batzordean erabakitzen dutenei dagozkien gomendioak helaraztearen ondorioz. Lanean ihardun dugun urte t'erdi luze honetan zehar, Europako Komunitateko partaide diren Estatu bakoitzean burutu dira ikerketok eta proiektuaren zehaztapen guztiak hona ekarri ezin baditugu ere, Europako instituzioek darabilten egungo hizkuntz politikaren esparruaren barnean hizkuntz komunitate minorizatuen egoerari buruzko perspektiba laburra azaltzen ausartuko gara. Aldez aurretik argi utzi nahi dugu, proiektua bukatzeko beharrezko ditugun azterketa zehatz batzuk egiteke izanik, hemen emango ditugun datu eta azalpenak behin-behinekoak besterik ez direla.

  • English

    This essay is the result of the research works carried out by four centres specialized in linguistic studies entrusted by the European Community Commission. Under the name of Euromosaic this project not only sought to carry out an exhaustive comparative analysis of the situation of the different minorized linguistic communities in the European Union, but also -and perhaps, above all- to establish the basis for a new European linguistic policy starting from the conclusions of the study and the resulting recommendations submitted to the decision takers in the Commission. For more than one and a half years the research works have been done in each and every one of the States members of the European Union and, although we cannot spread ourselves here about the details of the project, we dare to offer you a brief perspective of the situation in the minorized linguistic communities within the framework of the present linguistic policy carried out by the European institutions.

    Beforehand we want to show clearly that, lacking some concrete studies needed for the ending of the project, the data and commentaries we make here can only have a provisional character.

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