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Resumen de Emilia Pardo Bazán. “Feminista”: desigualdad intergenérica y maltrato doméstico

M. Araceli Herrero Figueroa

  • español

    El relato “Feminista” supone una diatriba contra la desigualdad de derechos entre hombre y mujer, centrándose en el rechazo a la domesticidad y sometimiento de la mujer de su casa, supuesto “ángel del hogar”, y su revanchismo consecuente. La alternancia de roles, simbolizada en los cambios de prendas de vestir (pantalones y enaguas), y el relevo en el “poder conyugal” conllevarán la alternante y recíproca violencia doméstica entre Nicolás Abreu y Clotilde Pedregales, coprotagonistas en el relato.

  • English

    Feminist stories are diatribes against the inequality of rights between men and women. They are based on a rejection of women’s subjection to the domestic sphere that presupposes that a woman is the Angel of her home. This makes it difficult for women not to be overwhelmed with feelings of revenge.

    The alternation of roles, shown in the exchange of clothes (trousers and skirts) and the marital power taken in turns brings as a consequence a mutual domestic abuse between Nicolás Abreu and Clotilde Pedregales, protagonists of this story.

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