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Resumen de Liderazgo de la mujer gerente en universidades y sus implicaciones para el aprendizaje organizacional

María Gloria Díaz

  • español

    La reciente incorporación de la mujer al trabajo remunerado, ocurre principalmenteen cargos de menor o mediana jerarquía y remuneración y disminuyede manera importante en centros de mayor poder y decisión. A pesarde esto, muchas decidieron aceptar el desafío y participar con éxito en elcampo laboral inclusive en aquellas áreas que hasta hace poco eran predominiodel hombre, tales como la gerencia pública y privada. Por ello hoydía cobra cada vez mayor importancia el estudio del liderazgo femenino.En Venezuela las mujeres participan activamente en organizaciones civilesy en el ámbito laboral, destacándose en el sistema educativo (Universidades),donde ejercen cargos de mediana y alta gerencia. Este estudio tiene comoobjetivo derivar del Modelo Interpretativo las implicaciones que el tipo deliderazgo predominante en la mujer gerente tiene para el Aprendizaje Organizacionalde las instituciones donde éllas actúan. Se fundamenta en los enfoquesteóricos sobre Liderazgo y Aprendizaje Organizacional de Argyris ySchon (1978), Senge (1992) y Covey (1995). Esta investigación es de tipodescriptivo-analítico con un diseño metodológico cualitativo. Son sujetos lasgerentes femeninas que desempeñan cargos directivos de primer nivel gerencialen universidades oficiales (Rectoras). Se utilizó el Método ComparativoConstante de Glasser y Strauss (1967) y la Escalera de la inferencia.Como técnicas de recolección de datos, la Entrevista en Profundidad y elAnálisis del Discurso.

  • English

    The recent insertion of woman into the paid work, occurs mainly in minor and middle hierarchical ranks and remuneration rates, and come up that it diminishes notoriously in centres of higher power and decision making.

    Notwithstanding, many women took the challenge and are since participating in the labour field successfully, including the areas until recently dominated by man, as public and private management. For this reason, studying the feminine leadership is gaining more importance today.

    In Venezuela, women participate actively in civil organisations and the field of labour, and relevantly in the educational level (universities), taking over of posts in middle and higher management. This paper has as its aim, from the Interpretation Model, and on the kind of predominant leadership stemming from women, to derive the respective implications for the Organisational Learning in those institutions where precisely women act. Its foundation grounds on the theoretical approaches on Leadership and Organisational Learning by Argyris & Schön (1978), Senge (1992), and Covey (1995).

    This research belongs to the descriptive-analytical type with a qualitative methodological design. The selected subjects are feminine manager in a first rank of management in public universities (Rectors). We employed the Comparative Constant Method of Glasser & Strauss (1967) and Inference Stairway. For data gathering, the In-depth Interview and Discourse Analysis were used.

    Through analysis of background thinking made to these managers, the following analytical categories were established: Self-image, Management and Organisational Learning, which put together with the theoretical support lead to obtaining the Final Interpretative Model. The leadership of women management in the Organisational Learning is also described.

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