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Patrones de aprovisionamiento de sílex de las comunidades superopaleolíticas del Pirineo occidental: el "coste" como medida de análisis a partir de los SIG

    1. [1] Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

      Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

      Leioa, España

  • Localización: Munibe Antropologia - Arkeologia, ISSN 1132-2217, Nº 67, 2016, págs. 235-252
  • Idioma: español
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Flint procurement patterns of Upper Paleolithic communities of the western Pyrenees: “cost” as a measure of analysis using GIS
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • español

      Los estudios referentes a la gestión de los recursos líticos -especialmente el sílex- por parte de los grupos prehistóricos en las dos vertientes del Pirineo occidental han aumentado de manera considerable en las últimas décadas. En este trabajo, pretendemos realizar una aproximación a la movilidad de los grupos superopaleolíticos, mediante los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Estos nos permiten relacionar espacialmente los afloramientos de sílex y los restos líticos encontrados en los yacimientos arqueológicos. Para ello, hemos construido, a través de los Cost Distance Analysis, una serie de mapas que permiten detectar las dinámicas de expansión de cada uno de afloramientos, así como los patrones de aprovisionamiento de cada yacimiento. Adicionalmente, hemos relacionado los valores numéricos obtenidos del análisis espacial con la cantidad de sílex encontrado en cada nivel arqueológico a partir de estadística descriptiva y la aplicación de la lógica difusa.

      De esta forma hemos podido revisar los conceptos de autoctonía y aloctonía, así como plantear modelos generales de aprovisionamiento y distribución de sílex en la región.

    • English

      Despite the progress made in recent years, we knew few aspects of the macro- behavior of the Paleolithic societies. Even lower is our information on decisions and conditions that led these groups to settle and/or move along the geography. Fortunately, the recent increment of the interest in paleogeographic analysis, the development of new theoretical models, the dissemination of technical procedures and the progressive incorporation of new computational tools, have made possible the emergence of new approaches to the phenomenon of paleolithic territoriality. In the geographical context of this study, on the southern slope of the Western Pyrenees, the work done by A. Tarriño, have made an essential contribution to this subject. While studies of researchers such as Ch. Normand and F. Bon, among others, have done the same on the northern slope.

      The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to study the mobility of human groups, has a long history in the peninsular archaeological research, especially in stages of Recent Prehistory. Nevertheless, in the Paleolithic, this tool has not had a similar development. However, on the Cantabrian coast there are new works that use this tool (using optimal routes) and concepts such as accessibility or cost (among others) in the study of settlement patterns or territorial management of faunistic resources.

      In the present study we intend, from the concept “cost”, to present an approach to flint collection strategies by Upper Paleolithic groups of the western Pyrenees, with the help of tools such as GIS.

      The application of converse tool has been carried out to establish a standardize geographical framework on both sides of the Pyrenees.

      Using the LCP methodology, we have reflected on a map the directionality and the most favorable to human movement from each archaeological sites, and we have obtained quantitative data (CU) which relate orography and distance. The characterization of this data through the fuzzy logic allow as establishing a criterion to define the autochthonous and allochthonous degree of each variety of flint. Finally, through descriptive statistical approach, we have related this dataset with the percentage of flint from each archaeological layer.

      This methodology allows as to approach to the complex mechanisms of recruitment of raw materials. This is based on two overlapping models: one based on the recurring collection and short-range mobility (for obtaining autochthonous flint); and another based on occasional recruitment inserted into a bigger circuit of mobility (reflected by the existence of allochthonous flint). The location of each site marks clear differences between the chosen flint and, in turn, three zones of influence. A western area, with a preponderance of peninsular types; a central area, with a high mobility and flint from both sides of the Pyrenees; and eastern area, with majority presence of northern Pyrenean flint. The factors that create these zones are related to the restrictions set by the terrain. These determine the areas of influence of autochthonous flint:

      Flysch Kurtzia for the western area, Flysch Bidache and Gaintzurizketa for the central area, and Chalosse and Salies-de-Béarn for the eastern area. Despite the existence of these areas, the presence of certain flint types shows a larger scale mobility, as evidenced by the high distribution of the Trevino, Urbasa and Chalosse flint. The distribution of allochthonous flint and, to a lesser extent, the autochthonous flint, allow us to see small chronological variations and the different functionality of each site.

    • euskara

      Mendebaldeko Pirinioen bi isurialdeetan historiaurreko taldeek baliabide litikoen –batez ere silexa– inguruan eginiko kudeaketari buruzko azterlanak asko ugaritu dira azken hamarkadetan. Lan honetan, hurbiltze bat egin nahi diogu talde superopaleolitikoen mugikortasunari, Informazio Geografikoko Sistemen (GIS) bidez. Hala, espazioa kontuan hartuta lotu ditzakegu aztarnategi arkeologikoetan aurkitutako silexaren eta hondakin litikoen azaleratzeak. Horretarako, Cost Distance Analysis direlakoen bidez, zenbait mapa eraiki ditugu eta horiei esker, azaleratze bakoitzaren hedatze-dinamikak detektatu ditugu. Aztarnategi bakoitzaren hornitze-ereduak ere eraiki ditugu. Horrez gain, azterketa espazialaren emaitza gisa eskuratu ditugun zenbakizko balioak maila arkeologiko bakoitzean aurkitutako silex kantitatearekin lotu ditugu deskribapenezko estatistikatik abiatuta eta logika lausoa aplikatuta. Hala, autoktonia eta aloktonia kontzeptuak berraztertu ahal izan ditugu eta aipatutako eremuko hornitze-eredu orokorrak eta silexaren banaketa planteatu ditugu.

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