La proliferación novelística escrita por mujeres durante la posguerra española aporta como novedad una serie de temas de escasa repercusión en la literatura anterior y entre los que destaca la educación femenina. Elena Quiroga, una de las autoras cumbre de la época, aborda en su narrativa esta temática y llama la atención sobre la discriminación y desigualdad entre géneros, perceptible ya en la instrucción impartida en familia e intensificada por la presión de la sociedad. El presente análisis se centra en los pilares de la educación femenina como la educación religiosa, la transmisión de los “buenos modales” y en último lugar, la preparación para la vida sentimental, contraponiéndola siempre con la problemática de la formación masculina tratada en la novelística de Quiroga. Además, el artículo ofrece una serie de referencias escogidas de ensayos literarios y sociológicos, así como de revistas destinadas a mujeres que, con sus pautas y modelos a seguir, ofrecen testimonio de una época marcada por el tradicionalismo y la intransigencia.
Increase in the number of novels written by women during the postwar period in Spain, brings out a number of new topics that have been poorly represented in the literature of previous decades and centuries. One of the most important among them is female education. Elena Quiroga, who belonged to the most prominent authors of that period, dealt frequently with this issue in her narrative. She warned of discrimination and inequality between the sexes that were already evident in the family and education, and became an intense pressure on the society. The present analysis is centered on the foundations of women’s education of that period such as religious education, the transmission of good manners, and finally preparation for sentimental life. In addition to that, it will confront the problems of male education that Quiroga, dealt with in her literary work. Finally, the article offers a number of references selected from the literature, sociological essays and journals intended for women. Examples from those references, with the instructions and models that were supposed to be followed, offer testimony about the period marked by traditionalism and rigidness.
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