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A experiencia xudicial galega en materia de recortes laborais autonómicos. Un estudo sobre os seus fundamentos legais e constitucionais

    1. [1] Universidade da Coruña

      Universidade da Coruña

      A Coruña, España

  • Localización: Anuario da Facultade de Ciencias do Traballo, ISSN 2173-9811, Nº. 6, 2015, págs. 355-363
  • Idioma: gallego
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • The Galician Judicial Experience in the Field of Autonomic Labour Cuts. A Study on its Legal and Constitutional Basis
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • galego

      Análise da experiencia xudicial galega no tocante aos recortes laborais aprobados pola Lei do Parlamento de Galicia 1/2012, do 29 de febreiro, que procede á inaplicación e suspensión parcial do V Convenio colectivo único do persoal laboral da Xunta de Galicia. A diferenza do fallado polo Tribunal Superior de Xustiza de Galicia e polo Tribunal Supremo, que consideran que esta lei autonómica está por riba do convenio colectivo citado, un voto particular da sentenza galega defende a necesidade de presentar unha cuestión de inconstitucionalidade contra esta disposición legal por invadir competencias exclusivas do Estado en materia laboral. A inconstitucionalidade da lei galega mantense aínda que logo o Estado ditase o Real decreto lei 20/2012 para dar cobertura legal aos recortes autonómicos previamente impostos.

    • English

      Analysis of the Galician judicial experience on the labour cutbacks made by the Law of the Galician Parliament 1/2012, 29 February, that proceeds to the non-application and partial suspension of the V Collective Agreement of the Xunta de Galicia´s non-civil service staff. Unlike the failed by the High Court of Justice of Galicia and by the Supreme Court, that consider that this autonomic law is above the collective agreement, a dissenting opinion of the Galician judgement defends the need to present a exception of unconstitutionality against this law for invading matters of exclusive State jurisdiction in labour subjects and on which the autonomic public authorities can not legislate. The unconstitutionality of the Galician law keeps although afterwards the State dictated the Royal decree-Law 20/2012 to give legal coverage to the autonomic cutbacks previously established, so that it does not correct that vice of unconstitutionality.

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