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Resumen de Efficacy and social validity of peer support arrangements for adolescents with disabilities

Erik W. Carter, Colleen K. Moss, Alicia Hoffman, Yun-Ching Chung, Lynn Sisco

  • Current research and policy emphasize providing students with severe disabilities with the supports needed to participate socially and academically within inclusive classrooms. The authors examined the efficacy and acceptability of peer support arrangements as an avenue for promoting the participation of 3 students with severe disabilities in high school general education classrooms. In addition, they examined the specific supports students received from their peers and individually assigned paraprofessionals throughout the semester. Increases in peer interaction were evident for all students and peer partners were able to provide an array of academic- and social-related supports to their classmates with severe disabilities without concurrent decreases in academic engagement. The article offers recommendations for further refining and strengthening peer support interventions through future research and practice.

Fundación Dialnet

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