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Faxismoa eta frankismoaren harremanen inguruko hausnarketa

  • Autores: Jon Kortazar-Billelabeitia
  • Localización: Kondaira: euskarazko historia aldizkaria sarean, ISSN-e 1698-9287, Nº. 16, 2016, págs. 176-198
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      This paper examines the Historiography and the characterization of Francoist regime, focusing on the ideological relationship and similarities between Francoism and Fascism. Classic historiography, both from Liberal and Marxist perspectives, favored a static scope to define the aforementioned regime, resulting in contrasting theories: some of these historians tried to prove that this regime was "authoritarian" rather than "totalitarian", thus denying its fascist nature; while others highlighted its Fascist nature emphasizing Francoism's totalitarian essence. The contrasting theories provoked a vivid intellectual discussion. However, a more recent line of research in historiography leans towards a more dynamic approach, based on identifying the Fascist features of Francoism, together with their origin and their solidity; to conclude that the degree of "Fascistization" of this regime, which outlived the "Age of Fascism", was fluctuating during its different stages.

    • euskara

      Lan honetan, frankismoaren karakterizazioaren inguruko historiografiari errepaso bat egiten diot, batez ere Francoren erregimenaren eta faxismoaren arteko antzekotasun-harreman ideologikoei dagokionean. Historiografia klasikoak, faxismoaren definizio liberal zein marxistetatik abiatuz, erregimen hau karakterizatzeko orduan eskema estatiko bat erabiltzen du, posizio antagonikoetatik bada ere: hau da, bai frankismoa totalitarioa baino autoritarioa zelakoan faxista zela ukatzen zutenen; zein totalitarioa zelakoan faxista zela baieztatzen zutenen arteko eztabaida planteatu izan da parametro klasiko hauetan. Historiografia berriagoak, ordea, frankismoaren eta faxismoaren arteko harremana modu dinamikoagoan ulertzen du, frankismoaren ezaugarri faxistak, berauen jatorria eta iraunkortasuna identifikatzen saiatuz; "faxismoaren aroak" baina gehiago iraun zuen erregimen honen "faxistizatze" maila aldakorra zela ondorioztatuz.

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