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Resumen de On Generalized Lie Bialgebroids and Jacobi Groupoids

Apurba Das

  • Generalized Lie bialgebroids are generalization of Lie bialgebroids and arises nat- urally from Jacobi manifolds. It is known that the base of a generalized Lie bialgebroid carries a Jacobi structure. In this paper, we introduce a notion of morphism between gen- eralized Lie bialgebroids over a same base and prove that the induce Jacobi structure on the base is unique up to a morphism. Next we give a characterization of generalized Lie bialgebroids and use it to show that generalized Lie bialgebroids are in nitesimal form of Jacobi groupoids. We also introduce coisotropic subgroupoids of a Jacobi groupoid and these subgroupoids corresponds to, so called coisotropic subalgebroids of the corresponding generalized Lie bialgebroid.

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