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Resumen de Infrared thermography as diagnostic tool for bovine subclinical mastitis detection

Douglas Bega Digiovani, Marcelo Henrique Favaro Borges, Victor Hugo Gonçalves Galdioli, Bruna Fonseca Matias, Guilherme Muschau Bernardo, Thiago da Rocha Silva, Patrícia Cruz Fávaro, Flavio Antônio Barca Junior, Flávio Guiselli Lopes, Celso Koetz Junior, Edson Luis de Azambuja Ribeiro

  • Forty-eight Holstein cows were assessed using infrared thermography as non-invasive diagnostic tool for subclinical mastitis detection. The temperature analysis of animals negative in the California Mastitis Test has evidenced a difference between the mean temperatures in the front and rear quarters (p=0.001). The infrared thermography comparison between the rear quarters of animals positive and negative in the California Mastitis Test has not shown any difference (p=0.236), but the comparison of results of the front quarters has shown difference between the mean temperature of the infrared thermography of positive (32.35ºC ±2.35) and negative CMTs (31.00ºC ± 2.20 (p=0.025). The use of infrared thermography as diagnostic tool seems to be promising; however, it is necessary determining a protocol to guide its use.

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