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Resumen de A estratégia e seus outros: notas sobre o Fórum Social Mundial

Julia Ruiz di Giovanni

  • português

    Este artigo tem como objeto questões metodológicas implicadas na análise da noção de estratégia no contexto de realização do Fórum Social Mundial (FSM) entre 2001 e 2005, tema de pesquisa de doutorado em curso junto ao Programa de PósGraduação em Antropologia Social da USP. Trata-se de uma noção comum entre militância, crítica engajada e análise acadêmica, recorrente na produção de enunciados que buscam definir o que o FSM é e para que ele serve, que traça mapas e itinerários neste amplo universo político. A análise explora os usos da noção nos textos programáticos e de análise produzidos por participantes e organizadores do Fórum Social Mundial. As tensões identificadas a partir de diferentes modos de enunciação da estratégia, permitem colocar em discussão o deslocamento de conceitos políticos em jogo no contexto do Fórum Social Mundial, sua temporalidade e historicidade particulares.

  • English

    This article presents some questions raised from the analysis of the notion of strategy in the context of the World Social Forum (WSF) between 2001 and 2005 – object to a research being developed by the author in the University of São Paulo Graduate Studies in Social Anthropology Program. The notion is considered in its circulation accross the boundaries between activism, engaged criticism and scholar analysis, particularly as it is used for in definitions of what the WSF is and what it is for, as participants, organizers and analysts draw maps and itineraries trough the broad Forum semantic and political universe. The consideration of the tensions made sensible in the different ways of enouncing strategy allows us to raise questions on the change of political concepts within the WSF, focusing particular relations of temporality and historicity.his article presents some questions raised from the analysis of the notion of strategy in the context of the World Social Forum (WSF) between 2001 and 2005 – object to a research being developed by the author in the University of São Paulo Graduate Studies in Social Anthropology Program. The notion is considered in its circulation accross the boundaries between activism, engaged criticism and scholar analysis, particularly as it is used for in definitions of what the WSF is and what it is for, as participants, organizers and analysts draw maps and itineraries trough the broad Forum semantic and political universe. The consideration of the tensions made sensible in the different ways of enouncing strategy allows us to raise questions on the change of political concepts within the WSF, focusing particular relations of temporality and historicity.

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