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Resumen de A premammillary lateral hypothalamic nuclear complex responds to hedonic but not aversive tastes in the male rat.

Sandrine Chometton, Solène Pedron, Yvan Peterschmitt, Vincent Van Waes, Dominique Fellmann, Pierre-Yves Risold

  • The lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) has two major roles: arousal/waking and food intake controls. Here, it is shown that a premammillary part of the LHA is neurochemically and cytoarchitectonically distinct from the tuberal LHA in male rats. This part contains nuclear masses, namely the parasubthalamic nucleus and the calbindin nucleus, involved in pathways that predict its participation in the control of food intake. Analyzing c-Fos expression in experiments related to feeding behavior, this region responded specifically to the ingestion of palatable nutriments.;

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