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Resumen de How to avoid platform traps

Carmelo Cennamo, Juan Santaló

  • Platform business models are increasing in popularity, but such strategies are hard to execute well and are prone to several common pitfalls. Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Apple many of today's most successful technology businesses have at their core a platform-based business model. Platforms are multisided networks that bring together two or more distinct types of users and facilitate transactions among them. The profit potential of a platform that dominates a market is enormous, but a lot can go wrong along the way as examples from a number of industries illustrate. The case of Groupon Inc., the online coupon company, exemplifies the risks of pursuing unfocused growth. While focusing on getting big fast, Groupon struggled to differentiate itself from competitors. Research suggests that platforms that try to capture both the mass market and a niche at once tend to have a hard time winning either customer base.

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