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Resumen de Now that your products can talk, what will they tell you?

Suketu Gandhi, Eric Gervet

  • In recent years, social media and online ratings have given businesses new ways to learn about customers opinions about their products. Today, however, some of the products themselves - at least those devices that are part of the connected world of the Internet of Things - are starting to provide unprecedented levels of information that can be used to improve both the products and the customer experience. What will be important to success is not only building smart, connected products, but also starting to listen to them. Such listening changes the perception of what constitutes a product; instead of just being a physical device, a product becomes something that provides valuable information for companies and their customers. This new perspective will change the way products are modified and monetized and how customer support is provided. Building responsive products creates tremendous opportunities, but it also comes with significant challenges. For example, the way a company thinks about setting a products cost and extracting lifetime value will be significantly different and more difficult.

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